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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); Macquarie University, Australia Thesis: “Subduction zone metasomatism and its consequences on potassium-rich magmatism and deep nitrogen cycling”


Diplom Geologist (MSc equiv.) Examination: A+ (excellent)

Thesis: “From MARID to lamproite, creating ultrapotassic melts in piston-cylinder experiments”

Awards and Grants:


ARC LIEF grant “Integrated volatile-mineral-isotope micro-analysis of Earth environments”; ~345k $


Invited article for special volume at MDPI Geosciences "Ancient and Modern Subduction Zones: Tectonic, Petrological and Geochemical Aspects of Ore and Magma Genesis", Sponsored Open Access Fees; CHF 1500 (~2,2k $)


Macquarie Research Fellowship (MQRF) 2021-2024; Project: “Sediments under pressure:  experiments on deep nitrogen cycling and ore formation”; ~400k $


Faculty of Science and Engineering Award for Higher Degree Research


Stipend from CAMECA for presentation at Geoanalysis 2018 in Sydney, Australia; 550 $


Bernd Rendel-Prize of the German Research Association (DFG); ~2,4k $


Invited article for special volume at MDPI Minerals "Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems“, Sponsored Open Access Fees; CHF 1200 (~1,7k $)


Travel Grant (Postgraduate Research Fund, PGRF) for Goldschmidt2017 Conference in Paris, France; 5k $


International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) (for 3-year PhD studies, 27k $ per annum)


Travel Grant from the “Foundation for Gem Material and Economic Geology” to attend the Goldschmidt2015 Conference in Prague for oral presentation; ~800 $


Bonus for excellent achievements at SCHOTT; ~800 $

Invited talks:


Seminar at The Asian School of the Environment and Earth Observatory Singapore at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore: "Nanoscale phase-identification using Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM): Application examples from biomineralogy and experimental petrology"


Seminar at the Bayerische Geoinstitut, Bayreuth, Germany: "Subduction Zone Metasomatism and its Consequences for K-rich Magmatism and Deep Nitrogen Cycling"


Online seminar at The China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China: "Subduction Zone Metasomatism and its Consequences for Potassium-rich Magmatism and Deep Nitrogen Cycling"

Employment History:

11/2023 - now

Lab manager of spectroscopic facility at RSES, ANU, Canberra

11/2023 - now

Honorary research fellow, Macquarie University, Sydney

11/2020 – 11/2023

Honorary postdoctoral research fellow, ANU, Canberra

04/2019 – 11/2023       

Postdoctoral research fellow at Macquarie University, Sydney

03/2016 – 6/2017  

Prac Tutor (teaching and marking), Macquarie University, Sydney

01/2014 – 12/2015

Research Assistant at the EPMA-lab at University Mainz

6/2013 – 12/2013  

Research-based Internship at SCHOTT, Mainz

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